Don’t Fall This Fall

Fall is the perfect time to take care of your home. The temperature has dropped a bit, the scenery is gorgeous and there is still ample time to prepare your roof and gutters for winter. Taking care of a few details on your home can make a huge difference for you and your family. At HKC Roofing we are happy to help you with your roof and gutters leaving you with more time to enjoy the leaves, hayrides, and trick or treating that come with the fall season!

Here are a few things we recommend having done to prepare your home for the upcoming winter months.

Get your mind in the gutter

Your roof’s drainage system moves thousands of gallons of water from your home’s exterior and foundation walls. With a job like that, it is critical to keep the system flowing smoothly. Clogged gutters can lead to damaged exterior surfaces and to water in your basement; they are also more prone to rust and corrosion. Before the leaves fly away this fall, have your gutters cleaned, then covered with mesh guard to keep debris from returning.

Get on top of roof problems

There are few problems homeowners face that are more costly and frustrating than a leaky roof. Once the dripping starts, finding the source of the problem can be time-consuming. Stop problems this fall before ice and winter winds turn them from annoyances into disasters.

Have your roof inspected from top to bottom. We will thoroughly inspect the ridges and shingles and look for damage to metal flashing in valleys and around vents and chimneys. It is important to find and repair all missing, curled, or damaged shingles. When it comes to roofs, the earlier we detect a problem, the better! And less expensive.

Leaky Roofs Common Signs and Causes

Having a roof over your head is something that many of us take for granted. The health of your roof is rarely considered, until of course it springs a leak. While the problem may seem to be a minor inconvenience – just a few drops of water here and there – in reality, you may be looking at a potential crisis. By the time you actually experience even a minor roof leak, the problems hidden in your home may have become serious, and expensive to fix. Leaks can cause a variety of nasty problems such as damaged ceilings, water stains, rot, mold and structural damage just to name a few.

Signs of a Leak

Here are some common signs that you have a leaking roof.

  1. Increased Energy Bill

    Have you noticed an increase in your energy bill this summer? A leaking roof means you may have water saturated roof insulation, which saps its insulating properties, and forces your air conditioning unite to work overdrive.

  1. Musty Odors

    Wet drywall and damp framing will create the ideal environment for mold and fungus to grow. Even a small amount of water inside of your home gives these invaders a foothold to spread, and once they show up, getting rid of them is no easy task. If you notice a musty or stale odor in your home it’s usually a good indicator that water is leaking in from your roof, and until the roof is repaired the problem will persist.

  1. Visible Water

    Unless you’ve recently had an indoor water-balloon fight, water dripping from the celling or pooling anywhere in your home is a good indication of a leak. Any water found anywhere in your home should be a sign that it’s time to call in a professional roofer, just to play it safe.

Top Reasons Your Roof May Be Leaking

  1. Flashing

    Poor flashing quality is generally the most common factor that will cause your roof to leak. These thin metal strips, fittings and sheets that cover a seam on your roof can become eroded or damaged, giving water enough room to enter your home and damage your property.

  2. Chimneys

    Chimney stacks almost inevitably will collect water that then seeps through even the smallest of cracks and into your home. If water is allowed to collect around your chimney stack, leaks are almost certain.

  3. Plumbing Gaps 

    While running pipes through your roof commonly leads to leaks, it is often unavoidable. The problem is that many builders don’t seal the gaps as well as they should, allowing water to slowly trickle into your home.

  4. Skylights

    Sky-lights are a beautiful features to add to your home. They allow sunlight to enter a room, and give a sense of being outdoors. But when they are not properly installed, leaks are not far behind.

  5. Shingles and fasteners

    Roof fasteners and shingles are easily dislodged and damaged during high winds, creating a perfect opening for rain to enter your home.

  6. The Workmanship

    Bad installation and poor craftsmanship is a leading cause of leaky roofs. This can easily be avoided, all one has to do is hire a qualified and experienced roofer to do the job properly the first time.

If your roof is leaking, don’t waist another moment before resolving the problem. Contact a reputable, insured roofing contractor to analyze the state of your roof. A qualified roofer will be able to quickly find the source of your leak and have it properly and promptly fixed. Remember, when it comes to protecting your home from water damage, speed is the name of the game.